Timelines Revisited:

Considerations for Expressive Storytelling

Matthew Brehmer · Microsoft Research · @mattbrehmer
Linear 07-2017 timelinesrevisited.github.io/slides

Representing Time in Space

Where is:


The Big Bang?

The 2050s?

Dinner time?


The Triassic Period?

Your 8th Birthday?

The 15th Century?

Some visual representations of time:

Linear Radial Spiral Calendar Curve
Joseph Priestley (1765)
© Jonathan Corum / 13pt (2011) (The New York Times)
© Webalon Ltd. (tiki-toki.com)
LadyofHats (Wikimedia Commons)
© Georgia Lupi (dear-data.com)
© 2015 Ross Institute & Moebio Labs (spiral.rosslearningsystem.org)
Blanchett's Catholic Ladder (1838). Reference: Cartographies of Time (2010) by Rosenberg & Grafton
Peabody’s Polish American System of Chronology (mid 19th century). Reference: Klein et al. (2016): shapeofhistory.net
M. Twain (1914). "How to make history dates stick". Harper's Monthly Magazine.
© "The world’s greatest storyteller" (2014). Raconteur.net

Some visual representations of time:

Linear Radial Spiral Calendar Curve

What is a Timeline For?

What happened when? Linear
When and how much? Linear Linear
Where, what, and when? Linear
What was related when? Linear Linear
What if and when? Linear
Noun Project icons : @olsjoe, @mabusafiah, @makeiev, @barracuda, @ratch0013
What happened when? Linear
When and how much? Linear Linear
Where, what, and when? Linear
What was related when? Linear Linear
What if and when? Linear
Noun Project icons : @olsjoe, @mabusafiah, @makeiev, @barracuda, @ratch0013

What happened when?

In what sequence did the events occur?

How long were the events?

Did events A and B co-occur?

When did events A and B occur relative to event C?

© 2013 Accurat

A Timeline Design Space

journal paper + survey + example galleries at timelinesrevisited.github.io

Storytelling With Timelines

© (2010) Mnemograph LLC: timeglider.com
© (2013) Northwestern University Knight Lab: TimelineJS

chronological Narrative:

Dalí was born,
THEN he started painting,
THEN moved to Paris, …

non-chronological Narrative:

Dalí lived in Paris during his Surrealist period,
MEANWHILE, Matisse was in Italy, … ,
YEARS EARLIER, he too lived in Paris, …

Expressive Storytelling With Timelines

Support for chronological or non-chronological narratives

Choice of representations for time

Choice of time scales

Timeline Storyteller

Support for chronological or non-chronological narratives

Choice of representations for time

Choice of time scales

Annotate, emphasize, reveal

The Careers of U.S. Open Champions

Timeline Storyteller for Power BI: A Demo Story

The Timeline Design Space

Different combinations of timeline representation and scale
tell different stories about your data.

Storytelling Considerations

Don't limit the story by using a single design space combination.

Use animated transitions and annotation for incremental reveal,
and to connect consecutive narrative points.


Bongshin Lee, Nathalie Henry Riche, Tamara Munzner, Benjamin Bach,

Darren Edge, Chris White, David Tittsworth, and Kate Lytvynets.

More Information:

Matthew Brehmer · Microsoft Research · @mattbrehmer

July 2017 timelinesrevisited.github.io/slides