Timelines Revisited

A Design Space and
Considerations for Expressive Storytelling

Matthew Brehmer · Microsoft Research · @mattbrehmer

in collaboration with

Bongshin Lee · Benjamin Bach · Nathalie Henry Riche · Tamara Munzner
IEEE TVCG 2017 · 10-24-2017 @ UBC CPSC 547 · slides: timelinesrevisited.github.io/ubc-slides

A Timeline Design Space

Linear Radial Spiral Calendar Curve
Chronological Relative Logarithmic Sequential Collapsed
Unified Faceted Segmented Faceted and Segmented
Image: Joseph Priestley (1765)
Image: Joseph Priestley (1765)
Image: flickr/shenghunglin
Image: LadyofHats (Wikimedia Commons)
Image: © Georgia Lupi (dear-data.com)
Image: flickr/46704958@N07
© 2015 Ross Institute & Moebio Labs (spiral.rosslearningsystem.org)
Blanchett's Catholic Ladder (1838). Reference: Cartographies of Time (2010) by Rosenberg & Grafton
Image: flickr/studiocurve
Peabody’s Polish American System of Chronology (mid 19th century). Reference: Klein et al. (2016): shapeofhistory.net
See "How to make history dates stick" by Mark Twain in Harper's Monthly Magazine (1914).
© "The world’s greatest storyteller" (2014). Raconteur.net

Common visual representations of time:

Linear Radial Spiral Calendar Curve

What is a Timeline For?

What happened when?

In what sequence did the events occur?
How long did the events last?
How long between event A and event B?
Did A and B co-occur?
When did A and B occur relative to event C?

The Careers of U.S. Open Golf Champions

Wikimedia Commons; L: Dustin Johnson; R: Jim Furyk

The Careers of U.S. Open Golf Champions

Data source: Wikipedia. This data is also featured in this demo video.

A Timeline Design Space

A Timeline Design Space

5 representations:
Linear Radial Spiral Calendar Curve
5 scales:
Chronological Relative Logarithmic Sequential Collapsed
4 layouts:
Unified Faceted Segmented Faceted and Segmented

The Careers of U.S. Open Golf Champions

1 / 5 representations:
Linear Radial Spiral Calendar Curve
3 / 5 scales:
Chronological Relative Logarithmic Sequential Collapsed
1 / 4 layouts:
Unified Faceted Segmented Faceted and Segmented

Our process: Phase 1

Collect and categorize 145 timelines and timeline tools.
Sources included Cartographies of Time (Rosenberg & Grafton),
Visualization of Time-Oriented Data (Aigner et al.), Making Timelines (Groeger), ...

Our process: Phase 2

Validate with 118 additional timelines (263 total).
Sources included visual.ly, the Kantar IIB Showcase, massvis.mit.edu, ...

Implement points in the design space with
28 representative datasets.

Survey data and dataset index can be found at timelinesrevisited.github.io
20 purposeful, interpretable, & generalizable
timeline designs at timelinesrevisited.github.io

Expressive Storytelling With Timelines

Choice of representations and time scales
Support for chronological or non-chronological narratives

Other Timeline Tools: Timeglider

© (2010) Mnemograph LLC: timeglider.com

Other Timeline Tools: Timeline.JS

© (2013) Northwestern University Knight Lab: Timeline.JS

Expressive Storytelling With Timelines

Choice of representations and time scales
Support for chronological or non-chronological narratives

The daily routines of famous creative people

Inspired by infographics by Podio and info we trust; data source: Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Currey (2013)

Summary: The Timeline Design Space

Different combinations of timeline representation and scale
communicate different aspects of the data.

Summary: Storytelling Considerations

Use animated transitions, highlighting, and annotation
to incrementally reveal and connect narrative points.

Consider more than one point in the design space.

Timelines Revisited . . . Revisited:

An Epilogue

Choice of representation, scale, layout, & narrative structure,
Initially released as open-source web application,
Now available as free add-on for Microsoft Power BI

More Timeline Storyteller Stories

Timeline Storyteller Youtube Tutorial


Timeline Storyteller on the Power BI Blog

"When humans began transforming information and pictures to enhance understanding, two of the first things they visualized were space and time. Timeline Storyteller is the latest landmark in a tradition that spans centuries, and what a great accomplishment it is"
- Alberto Cairo,
Knight Chair at the University of Miami


co-authors: Bongshin Lee, Benjamin Bach
Nathalie Henry Riche, Tamara Munzner
Darren Edge, Chris White, David Tittsworth, Kate Lytvynets
Microsoft Research, HCI@MSR,
the UBC InfoVis Group, the Timeline Consortium,
Microsoft Power BI, & the MSFT Data Journalism Program.
TVCG paper, slides, galleries, survey, datasets.
open-source tool for web & Power BI
mabrehme@microsoft.com · mattbrehmer.github.io · @mattbrehmer