Expressive Storytelling with Timelines

Matthew Brehmer · Microsoft Research · @mattbrehmer
Linear Seattle Uber Visualization Night · 08-31-2017 · slides:

Common visual representations of time:

Linear Radial Spiral Calendar Curve
Joseph Priestley (1765)
LadyofHats (Wikimedia Commons)
M. Twain (1914). "How to make history dates stick". Harper's Monthly Magazine.

Common visual representations of time:

Linear Radial Spiral Calendar Curve

What is a Timeline For?

What happened when?

In what sequence did the events occur?

How long did the events last?

How long between event A and event B?

Did A and B co-occur?

When did A and B occur relative to event C?

The Careers of U.S. Open Golf Champions

Wikimedia Commons; L: Dustin Johnson; R: Jim Furyk

The Careers of U.S. Open Golf Champions

A Timeline Design Space

A Timeline Design Space

Common timeline designs at

Storytelling With Timelines

Expressive Storytelling With Timelines

Choice of representations for time

Choice of time scales

Support for chronological or non-chronological narratives

Choice of representations for time

Choice of time scales

Support for chronological or non-chronological narratives

When's the Next Solar Eclipse?

Timeline Storyteller for Power BI: A Demo Story

The Timeline Design Space

Different combinations of timeline representation and scale
tell different stories about your data.

Storytelling Considerations

Don't limit the story by using a single design space combination.

Use animated transitions and annotation for incremental reveal,
and to connect consecutive narrative points.


Bongshin Lee, Nathalie Henry Riche, Tamara Munzner, Benjamin Bach,
Darren Edge, Chris White, David Tittsworth, Kate Lytvynets,
Microsoft Power BI, and the Microsoft Data Journalism Program.

More Information: IEEE TVCG paper + survey website open-source tool for web and Power BI
OpenVisConf 2017: "What Story Does Your Timeline Tell?"


Matthew Brehmer · · @mattbrehmer

Seattle Uber Visualization Night · 08-31-2017 · slides: